Our Junior Preparatory school department strives to make every pupil feel happy, secure, valued, and confident. The staff encourages pupils to think for themselves, develop self-control, independence, and a sense of achievement through their learning. Our aim is to support classroom teaching and learning, including the use of the wider outside environment. Kindness and forming good relationships are central to happiness and inducing a good classroom culture and learning environment. This is an intrinsic part of everyday life at Milton Keynes Prep.
In our preparatory school in Milton Keynes our pupils are taught to act in an increasingly thoughtful, respectful, and empathic way. Subject specialist teaching increases in this department as does the opportunity to shine in sport, art, music, and a variety of other subjects. Pupils are offered opportunities to take part in extra curricular activities in support of their own personal development. Sports, science, technology, art, and many other clubs take place after school and the music department runs choir and orchestra. Trips and visits, relevant to particular subject areas take place regularly, as do residential trips abroad.
“The overall quality of teaching is excellent.”
For children aged 9 to 11 years
In the Senior Preparatory school department, our main aim is to develop the potential of each and every pupil, in preparation for the challenges ahead as they move to their senior schools. We promote a broad, balanced range of learning experiences in an atmosphere of mutual respect. We stress the values of good behaviour and high achievement. We also promote a partnership between pupils, their parents, and the school.
“The quality of the pupils’ learning and achievement is excellent.”
“The overall quality of teaching is excellent.”
Self-respect and self-confidence are attributes we value. Pupils are encouraged to engage with all the adults at school, they are given positions of responsibility and are encouraged to become ambassadors for the school as well as role models for our younger children.
To find out more about our preparatory school curriculum, we encourage you to attend one of our open mornings where you can see it in action for yourself. Alternatively, get in contact to learn more.